
Kamis, 17 November 2016

True Architect

well, helloo!

eventhough i know that, there's nobody will ever visit this blog since i've been frickin busy dealing with my tons of my tasks and hardly ever have no time (and topic) to be written here.



here's a thing,

my life, my daily life, including my thoughts, soul, and body now are born to always be ready with this new wave of activities. for sum it up, my life is in a nutshell between get up, concepting designing, tasking, and once again

finishing the tasks.

architecture tasks.

which is somehow haven't been done in a day, or night.
it takes time to build from zero to something magnificent and mesmerizing (at once, it's actually me who has idealist side of designing but then i'm f***ed up when it comes about deadline)

and it makes me feel the rush for finishing the target every week.

well, haven't i told about how often am i being a procrastinator? no?
to be honest, YEA, im the most procrastinate person alive when i have to do my tasks at home.
plus, when the deadline is about to come, i force myself to finish the ALL the target in just one day (or night),

and what i get is crap.

HOLY crap.

but have i ever been thinking,
that designing is something that can heal the soul and mind, when i do it with no rush and feel the process every step by step..
concepting a building with a lot of considered and problems, then solve it, make it, to people that need to use the space, giving the cozy space that can make them feel comfort and worth living.


that i can give them the soul of my design,

that's what the true architect, isn't it??

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